Then there are the movies that are watched over and over again, year after year. Our Christmas Eve day tradition, whether or not the crowd is large or small, is to watch the National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. It seems every year someone will spot a funny bit that hadn't been noticed before. Perhaps the attraction is because the movie seems to touch on so many things that can happen during the holiday preparation: problems with lighting, unwelcome Cousin Eddy and family, the great-aunt with dementia (wrapping up the cat for a Christmas gift), the "rabid" squirrel running through the house, the year end-bonus being different than expected, and many other events. It makes my minor holiday mishaps very easy to accept.
Another Christmas Eve day movie is A Christmas Story. "You'll shoot your eye out!" is one of our favorite Christmas lines. The 50's setting with the typical housewife mother, the fix-it-yourself father who uses a lot of profanity (family-friendly), and the boyhood hope of a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas. A favorite scene is when a classmate takes a triple-dog dare to put his tongue not the flagpole and gets his tongue stuck. My youngest son had the same thing happen to him on the bus ride to school as a kindergartener. The entire busload of kids was late to school as they had to go back to the bus garage to run water on his tongue to safely remove it. It still makes me giggle to think of it.
And another classic, that I will watch more than once a season (and have already this season) is White Christmas. A series of mix-ups constantly block the happy romantic ending but all ends well. Even though the movie is as old as I am, it never loses its appeal.
We spend many, many weekends at our family cabin year-round, but the month of December is spent at home, preparing for the season. All the holiday movies, old and new, keep me inspired as I am baking, decorating and wrapping for our sometimes less than perfect, but always memorable Christmas.
"The Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories (ACM) allows you to share your family’s holiday history twenty-four different ways during December! Learn more at http://adventcalendar.geneabloggers.com.”
tv image from http://info.umkc.edu/womenc/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/television_comic_2.png
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