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Friday, December 23, 2016

Grandma's Christmas Letters: 1967

My paternal grandmother wrote a Christmas letter annually which she then copied and sent to friends and family.  She also kept a copy for herself. Re-reading them as a family historian gives me a new insight into her daily life. Below is a transcription of one of her letters; I've tried to keep her actual words, punctuation and grammar intact.


Christmas 1967
It is time for greeting friends and relatives after enjoyable Thanksgiving at St. Lawrence spent with the Davis family. I recently spent a few weeks in Minneapolis with Glenn and Darlene -Bob and Ardis and their families.

Glenn and Darlene (and Curtis and Scott) planned to come to South Dakota for Thanksgiving, so I returned with them. I always have an interesting time with the boys and their families. And I try to make myself useful. I did some mending and some skirts shortening.. maybe next year I will have to go back and let the hems down again., I also made a dress for myself. They have such a nice stores in which to shop. I spent some time there this spring. At that time I visited with other relatives at Maple Lake and also took a bus trip to Park Rapids to visit Paul and Althia at their lake home.

At Miller it's been the usual volunteer work. I helped with a few clinics and with some school exhibit work at the court-house. It all helps to keep one busy and keep from getting bored.

Nelly Mac' from State College stopped by in Sept and took me on a very enjoyable trip to the Mobridge territory. We stopped at Selby and Cresbard to visit friends.

Gladys Johnson (a nurse friend from Huron) and I took a four-day trip to Aberdeen & were given the Red Carpet service by Iva, Florence Hazel and their men folk. We also got to visit with Elfreda. Enroute home we stopped to visit Scotty, a classmate we were glad to learn is recovering from her illness.

I helped Beth Cass (friend) with her auction sale and help to rent her property here in Miller and helped her get her personal belongings transferred to California. That was an interesting experience, altho it is hard work, it was good for me to learn as I may have to do it myself some time.

I have a piano pupil again. I have one every so often, but they tire and quit. This little character is very interested and loves to come and take her lesson and remain to visit. So we have some interesting times together although she is only 9 years old.

I plan to spend the holidays with the boys' family so I am looking forward to that. I'm also looking forward to hearing from you and may your Christmas Season and the New Year be filled with many blessings.

Best wishes……………… Myrle P

(Handwritten in the corner:) 
I used the typewriter @ the office in a hurry

Christmas Letters

Photos are in the author's personal collection.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Grandma's Christmas Letters: 1966

My paternal grandmother wrote a Christmas letter annually which she then copied and sent to friends and family.  She also kept a copy for herself. Re-reading them as a family historian gives me a new insight into her daily life. Below is a transcription of one of her letters; I've tried to keep her actual words, punctuation and grammar intact.


Dear Friend

Christmas 1966
Since July 1st - I have retired, and I do enjoy it. I find that I'm still very busy. I help to keep things going while the new nurse (Althea Williams) was taking her orientation period at Aberdeen. Then the later part of August Glenn and Darlene came out to visit and I went back with them. I stayed all of September. Bob and Glenn both live in Mpls now so I had no trouble finding things to do at each of their homes.

Both boys have large homes, so I was able to help and kept busy mending and other busywork..Mending my favorite hobby kept me really busy at both homes. Bob lives quite far out on a small lake near Osseo. The school bus goes by their house and picks them all up except my bath and the new baby Carol Jean-born October 30th. Ardis will have a few hours to herself while the older children are in school. Bob is with De Laval now - a recent change.

We had a family get-together while I was there and relatives from Maple Lake joined us to make it very enjoyable. Glenn lives close to school-about three blocks-in the village-suburb-St Anthony-Curtis is in kdg and Scott is three takes good care of things for Darlene. Glenn is still with Honeywell.

Althea and Paul spent their summer at their Lake home near Park Rapids, but have gone to Oakland Park, Florida for the winter. Paul Jr lives in Mpls also about 2 miles from Glenn. Roger is in the boat business in Pompano Beach Fla. Paul is improving following surgery in July. Althia is in fairly good health, and keeps very busy with her hobbies. I spent the month of January there with them last winter. They show me points of interest and Roger gave me a a small education in boat travel.. (And I liked it)

I attended the nurses convention at Mitchell this fall. I had not been up to going for a long time. I spent a few days in Aberdeen in October. My friends really made me welcome. So good to see all the friends and most of them enjoying their retirement.

I spent Thanksgiving in Miller with friends. The bus trip is quite long and whether unpredictable. My good friends never let me eat alone on Thanksgiving. My canasta friends always are anxious for a foursome. Some friends like to play play bridge also.

I am doing a little sewing - easy things like aprons - anyone needs one - I will be happy to whip one up for you.

Hope the new year will be a happy one!

Christmas Letters

Photos are in the author's personal collection.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Grandma's Christmas Letters: 1964

My paternal grandmother wrote a Christmas letter annually which she then copied and sent to friends and family.  She also kept a copy for herself. Re-reading them as a family historian gives me a new insight into her daily life. Below is a transcription of one of her letters; I've tried to keep her actual words, punctuation and grammar intact.


Christmas 1964
Christmas is a good time to remember your friends and your relatives. In a few days we will all be anxiously looking forward to hearing from our friends and relation. We want to hear what they have been doing the past year the best way to get a letter is write one and usually one gets a reply.

I will be taking a vacation at Christmas. I plan to spend a little time with each of the boys and their families. I have nine grandchildren now. Five boys and four girls. Bob and Ardis have a new baby girl-four months old. They named her Myrl. I was pleased of course. Myrl Beth, I think that it is a cute combination, and I'm looking forward to visiting her and all the others. They like it in Minneapolis. They have fun winter skiing and waterskiing. They visit their hometown of Bkgs as Ardis'  mother is there. They were on a visit to Miller also this summer.

Glenn and Darlene have Curtis Alan and Scott Glenn. Curtis (4) loves to play cowboy. Scott (1 yr) just plays period. Glenn extends his Honeywell services to quite a wide range. He is finished with the Sara Lee project and now is about to start a project for the Pepsicola Co @ Syracuse.

Althia & Paul - are wintering in Honolulu. Paul Alan & family have moved to Duluth Minn. I am looking forward to visiting up there as it is beautiful country. Roger and Carole are still in Tulsa. They have a new home and seem to enjoy the south. We all get together @ Vera and Jess' farm occasionally.

Four Canasta playing ladies spent our summer vacation @ Park Rapids near where my relatives have their cabin - Lois, Jesse and Ann had a very enjoyable time together. At least it rained while we were there and that is something that we did not see for the rest of the year. Ann did the driving, and she also did the fishing-and we had fish too. It is very enjoyable spot to relax, and I get to see some of my other relatives. Last holiday season, I was able to visit @ Maple Lake, and get acquainted with my nieces and nephews there. The two girls are planning their summer weddings.

All you Public Health Nurses know that we keep very busy, so no need to go into that. No other news items, so with

ALL GOOD WISHES for the HOLIDAY SEASON and for a New Year of 
HAPPINESS for 1964  I will close
Myrle P.

Christmas Letters

Photos are in the author's personal collection.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Grandma's Christmas Letters: 1963

My paternal grandmother wrote a Christmas letter annually which she then copied and sent to friends and family.  She also kept a copy for herself. Re-reading them as a family historian gives me a new insight into her daily life. Below is a transcription of one of her letters; I've tried to keep her actual words, punctuation and grammar intact.


Dear Friends:
Christmas 1963

"AUTUMN comes in stealthy ways, her present scarcely known.… Till green of summer leaves become a yellow tone."… That is the way the Christmas season has crept up on us.… But better late than never-I will send my Christmas greeting to you.

The big news in my family is a new baby born November 4 at the Pottstown hospital to Darlene and Glenn. They have named him Scott Glenn-maybe another astronaut? Little brother Curtis needed a playmate, but recent news from there says he spends most of his time being a good baby and not much for Curtis to play with.

I plan to spend Christmas vacation in Minneapolis with Bob's family and also to go to Pottstown for a visit with them. I am looking forward to being there, but not to the trip. Traveling by any manner is becoming more and more difficult. I may have to even resort to a dogsled.

Bob & Ardis spend much of their off time taking care of interests in Brookings. They enjoy the Lake life too, and did spend quite a few weekends at their cabin on Lake Poinsett. They spent their Thanksgiving in Soo City with Ardis' sister. Her mother and sister joined them there also.

I spent Thanksgiving at Cresbard at Jess & Vera's- farm home. Althia & Paul were there for several weeks. My nephew Roger and wife Carol came up from Tulsa. Roger was interested in taking back his limit of pheasants. They all left for the south before the snow storm hit us. Althia and Paul will probably go to Fla. again this winter.

I have had a busy year, but took a week off in August to visit in Minn again. Two ladies from here went also. I believe the ladies enjoy the trip- although we were visiting only my relatives. Jessie and I made the curio shops while and went fishing.

Work in the office continues about as usual. There are changes in the trends of public health work, but never any less work. Not much contagion to visit. Our clinics are well attended, but that will be reduced with the popularity of the oral vaccine.

Nothing new at my house, except new carpeting- oh yes-wall-to-wall-nylon.. It needed it. 

Our canasta club still enjoy playing. We play 5 decks- really runs into big scores. I play bridge with the neighbors now and then but I'm not good at that.

Must close and wish you and yours the Best of Seasons.


Christmas Letters

Photos are in the author's personal collection.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Grandma's Christmas Letters: 1962

My paternal grandmother wrote a Christmas letter annually which she then copied and sent to friends and family.  She also kept a copy for herself. Re-reading them as a family historian gives me a new insight into her daily life. Below is a transcription of one of her letters; I've tried to keep her actual words, punctuation and grammar intact. (This particular letter was long with few breaks so I added line breaks for readability.)

"Toast-mistress' Dream Letter"

Dear Friend


Christmas 1962
Our first snow puts us in the Spirit of Christmas! I am Wishing you the Best Christmas ever at this time.

The buying spirit has not struck me too strongly as yet. I am still in the looking mood. My relatives will not fare very well as I have little time to even look. I should try sitting on a tack. You know the story: it should make you get up and do something about it! Or should I just send them my recipe for Happiness Cake: "1 cup of good thoughts; a cup of kind deeds; a cup of consideration for others: 2 cups of sacrifice; 3 cups of forgiveness; 2 cups of well-beaten faults. Mix together, add tears of joy and sympathy. Flavor with love and serve often."? What we need every year is TWO Decembers, and more vacations.

BODY (meat):

I visited both boys and their families this summer. Bob's have their home in Mpls now, you recall. And Glenn in Penn State. 

Bob's Joel and John are Paper boys & the two older girls are busy with piano. Paul is in school so that leaves Ardis with only little Jill at home for company. She has taken up teaching and SS class and Bob joined the choir. They did go frequently to visit in Bkgs at their Lake cottage, but those trips will be less frequent, with the added duties. I get to see them less frequently. They live near a very nice shopping center; good school and other advantages of city living.… 

Glenn and Darlene have also bought their own home. I visited there in July and now I will have another excuse for a visit. I love to go, but it cost a small fortune to go that far. Darlene's sister Carole accompanied me (by train). They (all of us) enjoy Curtis (2 yrs)-he is quite a talker, and being their first and only…

I also visited at Potato Lake (Park Rapids, Minn). A friend went along as she likes to fish, I just like to be lazy. It was very pleasant up there. Althia and Paul have sub-rented their home in Soo City and will spend winter months visiting around. They spent some time at Cresbard with Paul's sister and husband. I spent some enjoyable week ends there also. 

I did a bit of rejuvenating my house this summer. I did look around with "buying" in mind as there are lots of new houses for sale in Miller. I finally thot, with some refurbishing my house would look more like home. I had the furnace overhauled and redecorating and now it is more livable. I still need a new living-room rug but it will have to wait.

I play canasta with the four-some and enjoy TV and radio, and my perennial plants in the summer. Lawns were not much of a problem as rainfall was plentiful. But what's that old saying: get a dandelion an inch and it will take a yard.…


The Office is the same as before. Winnie (Supt) had surgery this fall, but recovered quite rapidly & back into the harness again. Part-time help is needed due to increased enrollment, although we have doubled up on many schools. Courthouse is having a dinner party Dec-11-eve., we look forward to this get together, altho most of us are weight conscious. We should pattern after the monkeys-they thrive on bananas, and did you ever hear of a fat monkey?

I better use the space to Wish you and Yours a HAPPY NEW YEAR & hope that you will write me all your news. I still drive my 1958 ford-I think that I shall try sleeping at the wheel, Someone told me that it's a good way to keep from growing OLD!! .....

Best wishes   ……...   Myrle P

Christmas Letters

Friday, December 16, 2016

Grandma's Christmas Letters: 1961

My paternal grandmother wrote a Christmas letter annually which she then copied and sent to friends and family.  She also kept a copy for herself. Re-reading them as a family historian gives me a new insight into her daily life. Below is a transcription of one of her letters; I've tried to keep her actual words, punctuation and grammar intact.

**  MERRY CHRISTMAS    1961  **


Christmas 1961
Our nice fall weather has turned to snowy white a Christmas season. It is no doubt pleasing to the merchants. It is helped put me in the mood for Christmas.… If the weather is good I plan to drive to Brookings where Bob and family will also be spending the holiday season at Ardis' folks. Bob and family moved to Mpls this fall. He is with the small firm of Eng. Consultants. They live near Brooklyn Center. They will miss their nice large home in Brkgs but have a fairly new home but smaller. We all spent Thanksgiving together including Ruth and Jim Wells of Sioux City.

I have had some interesting vacation days this past year. July 4 & Labor Day week ends at Lake Poinsett. Bob has a cabin there, and we had several cookouts. The grandchildren enjoy the lake - swimming; boating and waterskiing. Paul (5½) enjoys fishing, and landed a big northern with the help of his dad while I was there. Jill, the baby smilingly looks on. 

Glenn & Darlene & Curtis (15 mo now) spent about three wks vacation here. They went to Minn & spent some time with Glenn's cousin Paul and Moore & fmly. Mrs. Davis took care of Curtis and I got better acquainted to by taking him some of the evening hours. His mom is finding out how to keep up with the lively boy. I guess that they are getting him a hobbyhorse, that should keep him corralled… I spent a week end at Sioux City after Thanksgiving-and got acquainted with Brian and Jeanie, Paul & Marlene's children. The SC relatives really showed us a nice time and we were invited to several friends homes as well.

We Miller people have had some interesting visitors this fall. Ralph Andrews and his French wife Joy paid us a visit & shortly after Cora and Bud (Reed) also of California came. Cora had not been back to SD since she left in 1946. It was her husband's first trip here. I believe they had a nice time as they have so indicated since the return. Ralph & Joy are near Glen in Penn. Both are teaching.

A weeks vacation was spent at Lake Miltona with three friends. We just relaxed and had wonderful weather.… My phn goes on and on, no rest for the phn. Our nurses are limited. Several new ones have been added but several others have left. Alice Brady is my supervisor at present, and Florence Dunn paid me a visit recently. Alice Olson makes a call now and then. I did not get to the Conv this fall, as I seem to always be very busy.

I hope that you will send me a resume of your 1961 activities, as I like to hear all the news.


Christmas Letters

Photos are in the author's personal collection.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Grandma's Christmas Letters: 1960

My paternal grandmother wrote a Christmas letter annually which she then copied and sent to friends and family.  She also kept a copy for herself. Re-reading them as a family historian gives me a new insight into her daily life. Below is a transcription of one of her letters; I've tried to keep her actual words, punctuation and grammar intact. (This particular letter was long with no breaks so I added line breaks for readability.)

FOR 1960


Christmas 1960
It is a cozy feeling to be in where it is warm. The snowdrifts are piled high and our winter has started early, so I have time to get my Christmas letter written to you. This is truly Christmas card weather, and should inspire everyone to get the Christmas spirit, so I will start by wishing you a warm, old-fashioned Christmas and much happiness in the New Year.

The big news in our family this year was a new baby boy-Curtis Aain- born to Darlene and Glenn on Oct. 9th. I spent my vacation in September, but the stark would not cooperate, so I have seen only a picture of him so far. They say he is doing well, and Darlene plans to retire from active nursing & remain at home for a full-time job, I am sure. Her folks and sister Carol will visit them in Pottstown, Pa., this Christmas. Glenn is still with Mpls Honeywell- branch plant there.

I spent Thanksgiving vacation @ Bob's home in Brookings. He is busy building and Ardis seems happy with their new "Model" house on 104 So Jefferson near a new grade school. Their children are growing up fast. Julie 8 takes piano, while Joel 10; John - 9 are now taking horn lessons in school. Lynn- 6 is in first grade, and Paul- 4½ will soon be in kindergarten.

I went on to Sioux City and had Thanksgiving dinner with the Moore's family. Paul & Marlene have a new baby girl-Jean Marie and Brian (2½ yrs). They live in a lovely new home which Paul designed & built. Roger & Carole are also employed in Sioux City. Roger is building homes as a side-line. It is interesting to visit with the young people & get to know them better.

I have had a busy year. We have set some new records in clinic attendance. We have started the long-range Mantoux testing program. Lots of follow-up and records required. The new President-elect will have to increase the Public Health Nurse's budget, so I can have a secretary.

Altho this sounds like an annual report, you'll have to read between the lines, and see that "Every day should be like Christmas, with love in the air- it takes such a little Remembrance to show someone you care."

I Will be looking forward to hearing from you and hope the good fortune will smile on you in 1961…

That is my Christmas wish for you.

Christmas Letters

Photos are in the author's personal collection.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Grandma's Christmas Letters: 1959

My paternal grandmother wrote a Christmas letter annually which she then copied and sent to friends and family.  She also kept a copy for herself. Re-reading them as a family historian gives me a new insight into her daily life. Below is a transcription of one of her letters; I've tried to keep her actual words, punctuation and grammar intact. (This particular letter seems to end abruptly with no closing or signature.)

Christmas in Miller

Dear         ,
Christmas 1959

Here it is practically Christmas and I'm just writing my letter. Could it be that I am slowing down? Or is it that I am busier than ever? Every year seems busier.

Being on the Hospital Board and Auxiliary Red Cross Home Nursing and First Aid Programs and Increasing interest and Dental Health Organization all take their toll of my time. Mental health programs, are certainly in the news. For the senior citizens especially broadened program, it is the use of our Loan Closet. It doesn't seem that we can crowd in another category into the public health picture.

Our immunization clinics broadened to include polio shots for adults. The attendance for both children & adults broke all previous records. Which is good news but makes more work. Volunteer help is wonderful and willing, but so many are now on full time jobs, so available health is limited. So that is what makes me busy, and sometimes pretty tired. All of my friends say the same things so guess that it is the same with others.

Miller is not standing still, many changes have taken place. New curbs & new paving, new business places are going up fast, and many more in the planning stage. Supermarkets with increased parking areas are being planned. To the North we have the new Lutheran Church and Wilber's huge Feed and Seed store. Also theUltra modern sunset Motel, electically heated, wall to wall carpeting with TVs… So if you pass through Miller do stop. To the NE we have the new Biddle Addition of pretty new homes and the New Trailer Court, and way out east the new Chevy "Show-room" with plenty of room for Used cars. The new armory adds to our enjoyment, it is roomy and well lighted-even the parking area, does not invite some of "sparking" in the parking.

That is Miller and my center of interest altho I have a great interest in Bob's work in Brookings. He is with Midwestern Homes now. He and Ardis have renamed their company to "The Pauldo Builders" includes both their middle names. Building in Bkgs is making great strides. My family there is planning on moving into their new split level home soon. Joel; John; Julie and Lynn are in school 4th; 3rd; 2nd; and Kindergarten-only Paul remains at home now. The older ones are taking piano, so guess that Ardis is kept busy. She likes to sew-I don't get down there very often, but when I retire-I should move closer perhaps.

Glenn and Darlene will be flying home for Xmas week, both are very busy. D works in an OB doctor's office pms and Glenn still keeps busy at Honeywell. Their address is 966 Warren Str. Pottstown, PA. If you should be in that area they would love to have you stop. We will try to visit as many relatives and friends as possible while they are at home.

I spent a few days at Potato Lake with Althia and Paul in their Lake Cottage, spent some pleasant hours with relatives and friends up there, and enjoyed boat rides on their Lake. Paul & Marleen have a baby boy, Brian. Marlene is Home Ec instructor at a new school (in Riverside area). Roger and Carol also live in Soo City, and are both employed-Carol in a clerical position in the school system, and Roger with the City management. Paul Sr is pretty well and Althia is taking a few courses at Briar Cliff College. Both Rog and Paul are building new homes.

Our courthouse is showing the Christmas spirit with the big Christmas tree in the lobby and wreaths on the office doors.

(Note - the letter ends abruptly here.)

Christmas Letters

Photos are in the author's personal collection.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Grandma's Christmas Letters: 1958

My paternal grandmother wrote a Christmas letter annually which she then copied and sent to friends and family.  She also kept a copy for herself. Re-reading them as a family historian gives me a new insight into her daily life. Below is a transcription of one of her letters; I've tried to keep her actual words, punctuation and grammar intact. (This particular letter was long with no breaks so I added line breaks for readability.)


Dear Friends,

Christmas 1958
Now comes the days of address books and the dilatory pen, when friendships wilted are doused with ink, in hopes they will bloom again….Yes it is Christmas time again, although I've been so busy, I can't believe it. We are all happier when busy, aren't we?

We are getting in the spirit in the court-house today, by decorating the huge tree in the lobby… If I have the Annual dinner in the New Catholic Church dining-room next week… There will be some changes in the office personnel next year, so it will be a farewell to some - but they always seem to not mind.

I have a college student this fall quarter she is very good help, catches on quickly. I shall be sorry when she has to leave… She remarked that she will regret leaving, even tho we have been extremely busy, this is one community she has enjoyed very much. We also have two students at the hospital for experience in a rural type of community…

I go to Brookings often, where Bob and his family live. Their family is the same, except the children are growing up fast. Joel (almost 9) John (almost 8) and Julie (6) in school; Lynne (4) & Paul (2½) keep Ardis busy at home… Bob found time to build a cabin boat this summer. They had it out on Lake Poinsett a few times, but hope to have more fun next year…

Glenn and Darlene are in Pottstown, Pa. He is still with Honeywell and Darlene works in surgery in one of the hospitals nearby… Guess that they like it better in Mpls., but they will soon be acquainted. I visited them this summer & we took a trip of the Eastern seacoast. We saw some of New York City, many places of interest in Pa., R. I., & Mass. It is a trip I won't soon forget. Darlene's folks and Bob & family also paid them a visit this summer. They have a nice apartment, which they're having fun furnishing. They will not try to come for Christmas.

Althia & Paul have a new grandson-Paul and Marlene have a 6 mo old baby boy-Bryan Alan. They now live in SC. Rog & Carol are in the Sports car business in Tulsa.…

Guess this sums it up for this year… And hope to hear your news very soon… Best wishes

Christmas Letters

Photos are in the author's personal collection.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Grandma's Christmas Letters: 1956

My paternal grandmother wrote a Christmas letter annually which she then copied and sent to friends and family.  She also kept a copy for herself. Re-reading them as a family historian gives me a new insight into her daily life. Below is a transcription of one of her letters; I've tried to keep her actual words, punctuation and grammar intact. 

Christmas 1956
South Dakota

Dear Friends,

Christmas 1956
I have been hoping for Christmas would be coming soon, so that I could again write my Christmas letter to you, and then perhaps get a reply in return. I am writing this on the day after Thanksgiving, and we are having a bit of unusual weather. We had a few inches of snow, and then it rained last night, so driving is extremely hazardous for those who went away for Thanksgiving. I stayed in Miller, as the weather look bad, & I had a lot of "catching-up" to do at home.

My family has grown since last I wrote you. Glenn and Darlene were married, Sept. 22nd, so now I have another daughter. Also Bob and Ardis have Paul Richard, who was born April 10th. I spent a few days in Brookings while Ardis was in the hospital, and got better acquainted with the other two boys and the two little girls. They are a nice family.

We all had a very nice time at the wedding. Many relatives and friends from away came, which I thought was wonderful. Some of them I had not seen for a long while. John (5½ yr) was ring-bearer; and Julie (4 yrs) was flower girl. They looked like miniature bride and groom, cute as buttons. Darlene is an RN., of McKennan. They have a furnished duplex in south Minneapolis. Darlene is at present employed in a doctors office and Glenn is still with Minneapolis Honeywell.

Bob manages to keep busy, as there is a terrific housing shortage in Brookings. They remodeled their own home, so now they have it very nice and enough room as well as roomors. I did a little fixing up my house this summer. Little by little I got the painting and varnishing down, so that I would be ready for the big event and wedding guests.

We had a interesting Work-Shop at State College during the first two weeks in August. It was rather a vacation from general county work, and I believe one of the best we have had. Most of the public health nurses stayed at the dormitory, so we got pretty well acquainted to. At present arrangements are underway to place a student nurse with me for her Public Health field work, under the four-year collegiate program. I think that I will be pretty busy.

Enjoyed seeing a number my friends in October when I attended the Nurses' Convention in Aberdeen. Out side of that I guess I have told all the news. I spent too much time watching TV., but I do enjoy it, and I guess I just like staying home.

I will be looking for a letter from you now, so with my very best wishes for the Christmas season and lots of good luck.


Christmas Letters

Photos are in the author's personal collection.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Grandma's Christmas Letters: 1955

My paternal grandmother wrote a Christmas letter annually which she then copied and sent to friends and family.  She also kept a copy for herself. Re-reading them as a family historian gives me a new insight into her daily life. Below is a transcription of one of her letters; I've tried to keep her actual words, punctuation and grammar intact. (This particular letter was long with no breaks so I added line breaks for readability.)

Christmas 1955

Dear Friends,

Christmas 1955
Much history has been made since I wrote my last Christmas letter. I will have to pick out what I think is the most important… As the snowdrifts are piled high, it is a good time to write.…

At Thanksgiving time I had all my fam at home… Bob & his family & Glenn all came, & we had a houseful. The children played with Glenn's and Bob's old toys, and thot they were fine. Bob has had a busy year, still in the Construction Business. Glenn has a position with Minneapolis Honeywell. He hopes to get home for Christmas…

I attended the Nurse's Convention in Deadwood in October, & had a fun time. Part of my vacation was spent with Althia and Paul at their Lake cottage. We ran into difficulties when Paul became ill and had to return to Sioux City... shortly afterward he underwent surgery. He is back at work with the Journal now, but he says, he never wants another ulcer.

In August we had some excitement too. Darlene (Glenn's fiancé) & I had to make a trip to the University Hospital to be with Glenn when he had an emergency appendectomy. He was pretty sick, but he had more doctors; interns and nurses than either of us dreamed possible. So he recovered rapidly & four days later I took him to Maple Lake, where he recovered enough to ride back to Miller with me. Fine food at Maple Lake & rest at home & he was back on the job in about 2 weeks.

Stories about the Polio slowed up our plans for clinics, so we had no unpleasant effects when we held our clinics in June and July. The league convention at Rapid; the College activities at Brookings, Glenn's graduation and his many exciting trips kept me interested (to tell the truth I was in a little hot water) I was glad when he decided on Honeywell.

During the last half year of college, Glenn & the other boys in his class had such interesting tours thruh the various Plants. DuPont's in Atlanta, Ga., Westinghouse at Pittsburgh, and he also visited in Washington DC.

Ardis & Bob's family has had some interesting things happen to them too. Joel has started to kindergarten, and Julie Marie (3) was selected Miss Junior, Junior Brookings at their Water Carnival. She won the title & a big doll.

Some of you will be interested to hear that Paul and Althia's two boys are both married now. Paul Alan has his degree & has a position in Des Moines. Mr. Moore's mother passed away last week, she was 92. Althia & Paul spent some time with me when they came up to the funeral.

I also had some special visitors from Calif., Beatrice Vernon, her husband and daughter toured in this area, and stopped briefly to visit here. Not long ago, I visited in Aberdeen with friends… I hope that sometime you will find time to pay me a visit…

In the meantime, I suppose that I will grow fat and lazy like everyone else, as my boys put up a TV set for me when they were home at Thanksgiving time…

With this letter go My Very Best Wishes, and I hope that you will write me your family secrets……


Christmas Letters

Photos are in the author's personal collection.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Grandma's Christmas Letters: 1954

My paternal grandmother wrote a Christmas letter annually which she then copied and sent to friends and family.  She also kept a copy for herself. Re-reading them as a family historian gives me a new insight into her daily life. Below is a transcription of one of her letters; I've tried to keep her actual words, punctuation and grammar intact. (This particular letter was long with no breaks so I added line breaks for readability.)

South Dakota

Christmas 1954

Dear Friends,

Christmas 1954
Another year has rolled around again, and it is time to send out the annual Christmas greetings. It would be fun to greet you all personally, but this will have to be the next best thing. 

Our family was all together at Thanksgiving time. Bob and Ardis brought their two little boys, Joel and John and Julie and the new little girl, Lynn Ann. We all had a fine time together. The new baby is about four months old now, and gave no one any trouble. The others had fun playing with my boys' outdated toys. Amazing how those old things outlast the modern plastic toys. 

Bob is again at the college, teaching Mechanical Drawing & Power Heating and in his spare time, he is remodeling his home. They needed more room (for) their larger family, so they are building on a larger kitchen and will use the present kitchen for dinette. In the meantime his construction company goes on with his partner as overseer. Business is slack in the winter of course. 

Glenn is a senior in college and is staying at the new Men's Dorm- Harding Hall. It is convenient to be right on the campus. I have attended most of the college activities this year realizing that I am going to miss that contact. Glenn led the college band in the Hobo Day Parade and out onto the football field for the formations and for all the fall football games. It was grand weather and a very beautiful site with all the colorful college attire in the stands. Guess that it kept Glenn pretty busy, but I heard no complaints- and he appreciated the honor. Quite a few from Miller have captured honors at the college this year. Some of you may be interested to know that Mary Margaret Robinson got mentioned in Who's Who in Colleges. Next we have to think of what they will do when they finish. From the conversation, Glenn does not expect to be very close to home.

The Moores (my sister's family) have made progress in their building program. The boathouse that they started last summer is completed and a nice start has been made on their summer cabin, in Minnesota. I spent part of my vacation up there and tried to do my bit, because I might want to be a welcome guest someday when they have it finished. The Goetchius household, nearby, made us all welcome again this year. My two nephews Paul and Roger have found nice girlfriends and are both engaged. They all spent time up there with us. It rained but we had fun anyway. Later this fall, Althia spent a few days with me and Miller, while Paul did some hunting in the Cresbard area.

I attended several weddings this year, and enjoyed so much seeing Glenn's young friends take their life partners. I even got to Maple Lake, where I hadn't visited in years. It was like a family reunion went all of us got together to attend Betty's wedding. Betty is my niece, Joe P.'s daughter, and she and her husband will live in Chicago. 

Glenn has a lovely girlfriend, Darlene Davis from St. Lawrence. She is in her second year of Nurse's training. Office continues about the same. Dr. Hagin holds the clinics, and is very pleasant to work with- he has been pampering himself by trips to Bermuda, Bahamas etc. Write me all about yourselves now. 

Sincere Christmas joy,

Christmas Letters

Photos are in the author's personal collection.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Grandma's Christmas Letters: 1953

My paternal grandmother wrote a Christmas letter annually which she then copied and sent to friends and family.  She also kept a copy for herself. Re-reading them as a family historian gives me a new insight into her daily life. Below is a transcription of one of her letters; I've tried to keep her actual words, punctuation and grammar intact.

South Dakota
December fifth, 19 & Fifty-three


Christmas 1953
Today it looks like we might have a white Christmas, the snow is falling gently, so it should be a good day to get inspired to write my letter to you. Promises to visit friends in neighboring states had to be broken, but I have filed the invitations and look forward to try again next summer.

I did some traveling however I called it a bus-man's holiday. Paul and Althia have purchased a Lake site near Park Rapids, Minn., and I spent five days there with them, helping to build a boat house for Paul Alan's motor boat. It was lovely there in August, and the four of us had a nice place to stay. Roger was working so he could not be with us, and Glenn was working on a farm in hand county, so he was unable to help. But they finished the boat-house, and it will furnish housing while they build the cabin next year. On my way back to SD., I visited my niece, Lenore Largis in ND., and made the acquaintance of the family. Earlier in the summer, she and I visited in Soo City in Brookings. I hope that she enjoyed the tripping as much as I did.… Bob and Ardis left her kiddies at home and spent their vacation in Canada. Bob is teaching full-time in the Eng. Dept., at the college this year, and continuing his studies. He doesn't seem to mind being busy. We were all together for the Thanksgiving holiday in Miller. We had great fun "bedding them all down" in our little house. They even brought their new dog with them… John, 2½ seems better following his tonsillectomy. Joel 3½ has to keep on his guard or John will get the best of him. Julie their little girl is so big already…

Glenn is a junior in college this year. He was drum major again this fall for the Hobo Day activities, and a lot of folks from Miller went down for that day and the Parent's day later as the weather was ideal. State College did all right on the football laurels this year.

I had a Speech and Hearing clinic here in Miller this fall, and felt that it was quite successful. Miller is a progressive town, and welcomes any new projects that I have to offer. Lots of building going on here. Dr. Hagin is building a Standard Service station out north of town across from the new Sinclair station. Then there is a huge REA building also going up north. Two new houses across the street from us. It makes us all want a new house, but I for one can't think of it until I get my new Ford paid for- it cost almost as much as a house-

I belong to a Garden Club, and find it immensely interesting. Crystal Lake Park is one of our projects. My garden was dry last summer, but it kept me supplied with flowers and a plentiful crop of strawberries. Bob has lots of fruit, so we do not have to go far to get fruit.

The Nurses Convention was very well planned, there was a lot of business, and we got awfully tired, but that was necessary I suppose. It was nice to see a lot a lot of friends there. Convention city is Sioux Falls next year.

Now I must close and with friends at home and friends afar, these my Christmas wishes are: peaceful be your Christmas day.

Myrle and Glenn

Christmas Letters

Photos are in the author's personal collection.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Grandma's Christmas Letters: 1952

My paternal grandmother wrote a Christmas letter annually which she then copied and sent to friends and family.  She also kept a copy for herself. Re-reading them as a family historian gives me a new insight into her daily life. Below is a transcription of one of her letters; I've tried to keep her actual words, punctuation and grammar intact.


Dear          ,

Christmas 1952
The weather is clear and cold and here is another Christmas Greeting going out to you. We have had no snow as yet, and all of us are hoping that the winter of 1951 will not be repeated. … Glenn and I spent Thanksgiving in Miller with friends. There was considerable snow at Brookings and south, so we chose to pass up all invitations away and remain where the snow didn't blow. Bob and Ardis have a baby girl now, Julie Marie, and with Joel Robert, 3-also John Francis 2, so we hesitated to ask them to make the trip to Miller. Bob is still in the construction business, but only part-time as he is teaching at the college and getting his master's. Ardis is fine in spite of all the work. They have college boys rooming with them, and have made lots of improvements on their place. Lawn and double garage to mention a few. They both worked hard last summer, planting garden, harvesting and freezing or canning the produce. Glenn worked for Bob this summer. Bob now has the Quonset Agency in that area.

Glenn is in his second year of college, and has a pretty heavy schedule. He is drum major in the college band & other musical activities. He and I had a nice vacation this summer. We drove to California, making stops at Rapid City; Denver; Riverside and Covina to visit friends. Altho we saw a lot of beautiful scenery in the 4000 mile trip with no car trouble at all, we enjoyed mostly seeing our friends. When I was up two miles in the air in the Rocky Mountain passes I thought that I would never get my head out of the clouds again, but the atmosphere did not seem to affect my driver very much. Our friends seemed glad to see us, maybe because they realize that this trip would not often be repeated. … We enjoyed some visitors this summer also. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schweers from Milwaukee paid a visit. We hope we made a good impression as this is their first trip to South Dakota.… Pheasant hunting was only fair. We had birds to eat several times, but none to freeze or can. The hunting was better around Brookings, so the boys hunted around there. Relatives from Minnesota brought the family and we all got together at Bob's place this fall. It was nice to see the folks and see how the children grow.… My nephew, Paul Allen is in the Air Guard in Louisiana. He is soon to get his discharge. Roger, his brother is attending Morning Side College. The whole family enjoyed a vacation on the Minnesota Lakes this summer.…

They showed us a good time at the State Nurse's Convention at Pierre, that is the social side of it. The business end of it was a big headache. The student nurse's chorus (nurses from several different training schools) was an addition that seem to be appreciated by most.… A speech Institute at Mitchell, a conference at the Crippled Children's Hospital School at Sioux Falls and a School Health Institute at Aberdeen were other interesting meetings attended this year.… Miller is still growing, many of our friends are building new homes. We have a park site and skating rink on the Northwest part of town. We are looking forward to that being a beauty spot in the near future. My interests are here but I divide my time and spend some of it in Brookings. With this message many kind thoughts go out to you and the hope that you will have much happiness in the coming year……


Myrle and Glenn

Christmas Letters

Photos are in the author's personal collection.